what is leader rotation in Solana

Leader Schedule Rotation in Solana ($SOL)

https://www.chat-quiberon.com/2024/01/18/rx9vcfot Rotation in Solana Rotation is a process that ensures validators are not able to censor votes and transactions. Rotation happens every 10 seconds, which means that each node has a chance to take the lead for one second. Rotation also minimizes the influence of malicious leaders by ensuring no single leader can be elected indefinitely. […]

https://modaypadel.com/iwmct5g https://gungrove.com/w2pq3wz Continue Reading

What is a Solana Validator?

Validators form the backbone of Solana’s network. Each validator contributes to making Solana the most censorship-resistant and high-performance blockchain network in the world by verifying transactions and participating in consensus. Validators run a version of the Solana-node codebase. Solana-node is written in Rust and uses the Proof of History algorithm from proof of work to […]

http://www.wowogallery.com/b94c1bmkr https://www.chat-quiberon.com/2024/01/18/yav8y7cpw Continue Reading